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I have been on a journey with Homeopathy since 1999.

From the beginning, this Energy Medicine resonated with my experience.

Learning how it works and how to use it changed my way of living and continues to inspire, support and encourage my whole way of life.


I believe in the ethos, practice and efficacy of Homeopathy, and also in its magic. Science has yet to fully understand the energy that flows through all life and it is possible Homeopathy holds the key. 


After 15 years of practice as a Homeopath it is my mission to attempt to help people who are ready to rediscover their health and wellbeing with natural remedies that can restore balance to body, mind and soul.


​Homeopathy is a holistic and complementary medical system founded on the principle of "like cures like." The focus is on identifying the individual's unique symptom picture and finding remedies that resonate to stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms. It often promotes deeper recovery, enhancing better overall vitality and well-being.


Homeopathy is quite different from conventional medicine in its approach to disease.

Instead of being concerned with bacteria and virus, and on diagnosis, homeopathy focuses on susceptibility. Where there is imbalance in the system, microbes will be opportunistic, but if the mind and body are strong we are not so susceptible. It is only when we are weakened and out of balance that we are affected by microbes or dysfunction which are potentials in and around us all the time.

This focus is fundamentally different because it means the centre of attention is on the patient. Homeopathy considers the whole person, using symptoms as just one part of finding the central disturbance causing disease in the patient.


The homeopathic physician attempts to build up a multidimensional picture of the patient and match it to a remedy profile, one of nearly 4,000 natural remedies currently in use. For this to be possible a lot must be known about the patient including past health, life circumstances, patterns of family health, present conditions and the patient's unique characteristics and personality. It is an essentially natural healing system with the remedy given to stimulate nature's vital forces of recovery in order to regain health.


Does disease happen by chance?


Homeopaths consider our life's time on earth to be a journey during which problems will be continually thrown in our way for us to solve.


Each time we encounter a new problem or challenge, if we find a resolution we can take another step along the path, if not we lose our equilibrium and a state of imbalance is set up. A window of opportunity for microbes to proliferate or our own complex biological and chemical systems to falter can be the result. Our human response to life's challenges is often subconscious and illness is the body's way of expressing the subconscious mind.

Our dis-ease becomes our disease.

Homeopathy can help to discover the key to this language of the body and regain equilibrium and health.


"I first went to Tess when I was feeling very low. I had heart surgery which was followed by a 3 month stay in hospital with a deep wound and bone infection which was then followed by constant antibiotics when I returned home. As soon as the antibiotics stopped the infection returned. It went on for well over a year. May daughter recommended Tess and it was the best thing ever. My chest healed and has remained healed and healthy since.

Thank you Tess."

Sue, January 2025


Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) first devised the system of homeopathy and was the first to begin making potentised homeopathic remedies.  He used the term Vital Force when referring to the central energy responsible for all functioning of the mind and body. This Vital Force could also be termed the Unconscious or perhaps Spirit energy, depending on your beliefs and point of view. However it is viewed, it is this undeniable force that Homeopath's believe animates our being, runs through all life in and around us and connects us with our physical being.


Western understanding meets Eastern philosophy


There are points in our body where this life energy meets and converges with the physical. These points are often termed Chakras.


According to ancient Eastern philosophy, the Chakras are the interface between the spiritual world and the physical world. The manifestation of energy into functioning physical matter and the animation and breath of life comes about through the endocrine system and nervous systems at each Chakra centre. All our thoughts, inspiration, creativity, spiritual awareness and emotional and physical experience occur through this connection.


The Homeopathic remedy, with its image of 'like suffering', is a parcel of energy that makes a direct course to the Vital Force. From there the healing message is received and through the secretions of the endocrine glands all physical functioning and development manifest. Where there were blocks, imbalances, disease or distress, the pathways can be cleared and equilibrium restored.

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"In the healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital force, the dynamism that animates the material body, rules with unbounded sway, and retains all the parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensations and functions, so that our indwelling, reason-gifted mind can freely employ this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence."


Aphorism 9, The Organon, Samuel Hahnemann

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